Inspired by a creative vision for a more beautiful world.

The Luminous Guide Mission
To educate, grow, and inspire embodied sovereignty and wholeness with practical and visionary tools for the soul journey.
Embody a frequency that illuminates personal development of the Inner Guide and promotes well-being inside organic, self-organizing practice communities.
Through Embodied Sovereign Leadership.
If you’re reading this, I bet that like me, you are inspired to be part of the change our world so desperately needs in this collective initiation.
This requires an unwavering commitment to personal responsibility. For some of us, this feels exciting and essential to shifting paradigms.
The Luminous Guide is a personal soul assignment I’ve been given, an evolving response to usher in Embodied Sovereignty as systems of control attempt to overtake choice and natural law.
What this requires of me is daily listening to the undercurrents. Those that pulse beneath the noise of a fractured society, paired with the courage and discernment to take right action.
More than an educational portal, The Luminous Guide is a vision for the embodiment of soul-centered personal and communal leadership.
It’s a living prayer and offering to life itself. A devotional weaving that aspires to uplift people towards their potential, in recognition of the abundance that is available when we are harmonically attuned to healthy reciprocity and respect for the sacred hoop of life on this beautiful planet.
After 12 years in the Healing Arts, I have developed a keen sensibility as a multi-disciplinary practitioner. However, there are only so many people I can be in support of individually, and the time has come to share concepts and methods DIRECTLY within a group format. I desire to help you become your own best guide and healer… because that’s what I see as a gap in our collective support structures.
Access to wellness and wealth is largely an issue due to a collective trauma in which outer authorities have colonized and mismanaged our inner and outer landscape.
Can you imagine a future where body, mind, heart, and spirit skills are a societal norm?
I do… and I believe now is the time to rise up together.
It is my goal to equip you with maps, skills, and tools to deepen into your psycho-spiritual journey with just enough guidance and support to make it both accessible and value-packed.
Nicole Lilly, MA, LMT
Founder and Creatrix, The Luminous Guide
Rich with Experience and Impeccable Qualifications.
Nicole Lilly is a Visionary Experience Guide and Educator and is the creator behind The Luminous Guide.
Influential Training and Education
- Master of Arts in Body Psychotherapy (Naropa University)
- Soma & Soul 9-month Trauma Training (Boulder, CO)
- Psychedelic Sitters School Level 1 (Medicinal Mindfulness)
- Ketamine and Cannabis Assisted Psychotherapy (Innate Path)
- 300-Hour Yoga and Energetics Training (Bali, Indonesia)
- Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy (Denver, CO)
- Traditional Thai Massage (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
- Holistic Massage Therapy, Prenatal Massage (Austin, TX)
- Emotional Freedom Technique Level 1 (ACEP)
- Enter the Mystery - 1 year Priestess Initiation (Priestess Presence)
- Medicine Wheel - 1 year Shamanic Initiation (Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics)
- Astrology 1 (Hidden Truths College of Metaphysics)
- Four Pathways Energy Healing Certification (in progress with Cyndi Dale)
- Your Message is Your Medicine (Laura Dawn)
- Courting the Muse Beloved (Animas Valley Institute)
Notable Experience
Healing Arts
- Yoga Teacher (2011-2016)
- Registered Psychotherapist (2015-2021)
- Somatic Movement Therapist (2016-Present)
- Licensed Massage Therapist (2017-Present)
- Ketamine and Cannabis-Assisted Psychotherapist (2019-2021)
Entheogens and Psychedelia
- Personal Psychedelic Practice (1993-1996; 2011-Present)
- Private Healing Arts Practitioner (2011-Present)
- Group Entheogenic Facilitator / Support (2018-Present)
- Private Entheogenic Practitioner (2019-Present)
- Medicine Keeper Guide Training pilot program, Co-Founder and Educator (2021-2022)
Speaking and Education
- The Nowak Society (Speaker and Volunteer)
- Rising Consciousness Conference (Presenter)
- Tam Integration (Panel Speaker)
- (Presenter & Facilitator)
- SPORE: Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, Education (Volunteer)
Mentorship and Community
- Association for Entheogenic Practitioners
- Shonagh Home (Shamanic Therapist, Author, Guide)
- Cyndi Dale (Author, Energy Healer / Teacher)
- Dr. Frances Yahia (Consciousness Coach, Author, Spiritual Guide)
- Kayse Gehret (Founder, Microdosing for Healing)
- Laura Dawn (Podcast Host, Psychedelics & Creativity Leadership)
- The Nowak Society (Psychedelic Professionals Community)