An Experiential Mushroom Course for Self-Healers

The Art of

Self-Guided Journeys

An Experiential Mushroom Course for Self-Healers

Guidance to take you deeper into your sacred mushrooms at home.

  • Prepare and integrate self-guided mushroom journeys from home.
  • The Wisdom Portal is packed with 15 hours of audio content and written materials to guide you methodically, at your own pace.
  • Optional 1:1 mentorship sessions with Nicole Lilly will catalyze your process of transformation more rapidly.
  • Easily cultivate your own Sacred Mushrooms like magic! (Available to those enrolled in private mentorship).

Enroll in the Self-Guided Course


Be the first to receive info on the next launch for this immersion.

This is About More than Sacred Mushrooms.

Psychedelic Mushrooms and Plant Spirit Medicine

You’ll Activate YOUR Inner Guide.

Do you believe that Sacred Mushrooms are powerful allies?

Is it time to go deeper than microdosing?

Want to make a wise investment to learn from an experienced guide?


Engage at your own pace to develop skillful practices for navigating expanded states — without spending thousands of dollars on a private guide.

Take charge of your own healing and transformation from the comfort of your own home.

The online Wisdom Portal is full of goodness to help you prepare and integrate with practices that go well beyond the basics.

Cut through your blind spots and take your practice further with private 1:1 mentorship sessions with Nicole.



During this Online Immersion You Will Illuminate Your Full Spectrum Guidance in the following ways.

  • Create sacred space and time to strengthen your vessel on your own, with suggested assignments that amplify your intentions.
  • Orient yourself in the Soul Initiation Journey, to meet the energy of where you are and clearly see where you’re headed.
  • Deepen your relationship with holistic and intuitive practices to develop self-mastery in expanded states (and daily life).
  • Create self-designed cermonies with Sacred Mushrooms at home, with the option to partner with a peer as support.
  • Recognize Archetypes and patterns that are dominant in your life, then embody these mythopoetic identities as divine play.
  • Enhance personal, professional, and spiritual growth as you take action on your clarified vision and values-aligned mission.
  • Harness Sacred Mushroom Magic through easy, fail-proof cultivation of your own Spirit Friends at home when you also enroll in private 1:1 mentorship sessions.




This is an opportunity to introduce yourself to your travel companions and activate your intentions and prayers within the group field. 

You’ll begin to gather essential tools and resources and orient your compass to the journey ahead. A journal will help you keep track of your experience. 

Learn about the cultivation and care of your Sacred Mushroom spirit friends, and begin to consider optimal strategies for your journey day.



You are at the Center of the container for this journey. You’ll establish the creation of sacred space and a protective energy field to build upon in the weeks ahead.

Go within to clarify areas that require more balance, then start to map out the daily / weekly personal practices that will support your process for the remainder of the immersion.



Identify areas of blockage or stagnation in your body, and begin a somatic dialogue to discover parts and archetypes. 

Tune into vibrational imprints and archetypes you are holding and discern how the frequencies of your inner and outer landscape are impacting you.

Play with different methods of running energy through your field and connecting with expanded states to shift your experience of reality.



This is the week you have been preparing for, you’re self-guided journey.

Spend time in nature prior to your ceremony. Engage in “cross-species communication” with the natural world and document any insights that support the intentions, archetypes, and energies you have been connecting with. 

Choose a full-day and a sacred space where you will enact a self-designed ceremony with your sacred mushroom allies. 

Document poignant themes, insights, and experiences from your journey.

Reach out to our group container for support as desired.



Your return to the day world should be approached full of care and intention. There may be tender realizations and experiences that require compassionate self-acceptance.

In the first week following a Journey, it’s very useful to document themes and insights that emerge.

Elaborate on the perceived meaning, visions, or actions that will move you forward. Review and identify immediate steps that you’ll take to align with the gifts you are returning with.

Note the energetics and resources that will enable you to step forward with Love.



The essence of integration is unification. It’s aligning with your “Sacred Yes and Sacred No” to make better decisions that come from wholeness, rather than wounds. 

It’s the embodiment of the sacred archetypes and elements that are ready and capable to lead. It’s allowing yourself to be guided by the Spirit Realms, affirmed in your abilities, purpose, and gifts.

You’ll clarify your values, mission, and vision and live into who you’ll need to become to bring this into the world. 



It’s important to bring energy and clarity to the vision you are holding, then give it space free from attachment to evolve into its intended form. 

Our final Practice Temple will be held within a one month timeframe, changing up the weekly pace.

You’ll be able to review what’s shifted in your life, receive mirroring and recognition for how far you have come, and show up with renewed purpose and energy as you pass into the next phase of your soul assignment.


Virtual Wisdom Portal

  • Receive access to the portal as soon as you complete your registration (note: contents will be incomplete)
  • Pre-recorded content, Mushroom Cultivation Information, Suggested Reading, and Spotify Playlists will be available.
  • PDF Presentations and Session Recordings (for content only, not personal process) will be added after each session.
  • 6-months of access is included.



3 Private Sessions with Nicole

We will combine any of the following methods, or others that are conducive for delivery at a distance.

  • Embodiment and Energy Practices — dive into the subconscious for additional information pertaining to your journey so you can begin to embody change immediately.
  • MythoPoetic Visioning — bring the journey to life through the power of myth, metaphor, symbols and more. Tell a story through the artistry of your life.
  • Astrology Energy Reading — highlights of your natal chart and your Astrocartography (location astrology)
  • OPTIONAL Sacred Mushroom Cultivation — private mentorship qualifies your for access to easy, fail-proof mushroom cultivation kits delivered discreetly.



(Regular $666)

I’m Nicole Lilly and I’ll be your Guide on this Journey.

After 13 years in the Healing Arts, it hit me one day coming out of a self-guided mushroom journey. “I am still contributing to a broken hierarchical system.”

Over time, culture has eroded our embodied wisdom to care for ourselves and our loved ones – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Restoring this connection is really why I entered the Healing Arts. 

It started with yoga, then my Masters in Somatic Psychology, bodywork, and many other modalities. In 2018, I became immersed in supporting entheogenic and psychedelic services, having already had significant personal experiences.

Truly, I’ve never fit any one paradigm. They all hold just on part of the truth. And I’ve learned some valuable things along the way that I’d like to share. 

This path is not the easy path. It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s for the visionary warrior spirits who know they are here to help birth a collective paradigm shift.

Together, we can reclaim the inner guide and create a new paradigm that serves.

I found this immersion to be empowering and inspiring. I feel more confident about exploring and creating my own personal ceremony. Nicole generously shared so many great resources and her own content. Nicole is brilliant , engaging and so supportive.

~ Female Participant, Fall 2022

Is this Online Immersion for You?

Yes, please register if you…

  • Already know basic psychedelic harm reduction.
  • Are free of contraindications, such as antidepressants.
  • Have participated in coaching or therapy, and are familiar with how to manage your personal challenges.
  • Feel drawn to experiential and non-clinical methods such as body-centered, nature, and shamanic practices for personal growth.
  • Want to develop an effective solo journey practice at home and/or to share with your loved ones.
  • Ready to apply new tools to gain the most from journeys, beyond the basics.
  • Feel comfortable learning and sharing in an online group format.
  • Have interest in an easy method to grow sacred mushrooms at home.
  • Can commit to attendance at most groups, and are willing to dedicate time to experiential practice between sessions.

No, this isn’t a great for you if…

  • Lack basic knowledge of psychedelics.
  • Are looking to treat a mental health diagnosis.
  • Take anti-depressants or other psychotropic prescription medications. 
  • Prefer medical or clinical methods.
  • Do not have a foundation of coaching or therapy.
  • Are looking for group therapy or a place to work out your personal issues with others. 
  • Lack comfort learning and sharing in an online group.
  • Are fearful to experiment on your own at home, or with your chosen peers or loved ones.
  • Hope to use these methods in order to be paid for tripsitting or psychedelic facilitation. 
  • Do not understand the legalities for your locale and/or have risk aversion.
  • Are unable to attend most of the online groups live, and unable to dedicate time to engage the practices offered in the immersion.

Other Questions & Answers

How do I sign up? Is everyone approved?

Anyone can sign up to take this course. 

Will I receive individual 1:1 support?

There is the option to purchase 3 private mentorship sessions with Nicole at a discounted rate while you are enrolled. This may or may not be extended, at discretion.

Is this legal?

Yes. This online immersion is providing you with education, which is entirey legal.

If you are concerned about the legal status of sacred mushrooms where you live, it is your responsibility to research this and know how to protect yourself from harmful outcomes. You assume all liability for actions pursued outside of receiving the education provided in this course.

Will you supply mushrooms?

No. You are responsible for your own mushroom cultivation.

You will be provided information to order cultivation supplies from a trustworthy source. These supplies offer a very simple, fail-proof method that is available for you to cultivate mushrooms at home. Home cultivation is a valuable process to accompany the education offered in this course.

These supplies are not included in the financial investment for the online immersion and will be your sole responsibility to procure through an independent party. The additional cost for the mushroom cultivation supplies shipped directly to you is $80 – as a bonus, for each kit purchased a kit is also sent to a veteran in need.

Can I participate without mushrooms?

Yes. The methods that will be shared are beneficial practices without the use of any psychedelics or psychotropics. The methods may also apply to other plant-based psychedelics and sacred molecules.

However, there will be discussion and education about the use of sacred mushrooms in these practices, so you must be comfortable with this. If you aren’t, this is not the right course for you.

I have experience microdosing, is this a good fit

Yes. While microdosing will be a suggested practice in the beginning, you will still learn new and deeper ways to experience mushrooms and perhaps most importantly, yourself!

One thing that sets this immersion apart from microdosing courses is the emphasis on holistic practices that are more about your life journey.

This immersion includes distinct approaches focused on low to mid-level mushroom experiences, so you can feel confident about most effectively guiding your own experiences.

What if I’m interested in high doses of mushrooms?

This immersion is intended to help you receive the most benefit from low and mid-doses of mushrooms for solo journeys, not high doses of mushrooms.

While some of the methods can be helpful for higher level journeys, this will not be explicitly supported in this course. Please practice harm reduction and have a sitter or guide available if you engage in high doses.

Can I share the course with a friend or loved one?

If you have a friend or loved one that you would like to journey with, please share this website with them.

Have them let us know you referred them to receive FREE ATTENDANCE at the next quarterly Luminous Spiral Session. 

Please refrain from sharing any and all confidential and copyrighted course materials with anyone who has not formally registered. This would violate the terms & conditions agreement for the immersion.

Do you offer payment plans or scholarships?

If you require the 2-payment plan, please note this on your application. At this time, scholarships are not available.

This educational immersion represents a significant investment of resources from the practitioner over the years to attain the necessary level of expertise and practice to create the content.

The investment level for this immersion is significantly more affordable than 1:1 session support, and is set at a price point that is a fair representation for the value received.

It is the mission of The Luminous Guide to participate in regenerative economic practices, which means working with project partners who are local or within our immediate U.S. ecosystem when possible.

I want to be a tripsitter or facilitator, can I sign up?

This immersion is intended to provide methods and education for self-guided journeys at home, not as vocational training.

Everyone who is interested in becoming a professional in the psychedelic space needs substantial personal practice of their own. If you are interested in the immersion for this reason you are encouraged to apply.

That said, this is not a psychedelic facilitator training, and you will not be permitted to use nor teach this format for financial or professional gain per the terms & agreements of this course.

All works are protected by copyright and terms of the course agreement.

Have Other Questions? Send Nicole a Message

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